Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This is a new blog that was created to keep women informed of W.O.W (Women of the Word) conferences and what is happening within the ministry.  The W.O.W. conference team is excited about this ministry and about sharing God's word with women in all walks and stages of life.

This is a unique ministry. In order to host the Women of the Word conference in your church all you need to have is space and time.  We will do the rest.  We will bring gifted speakers and worship team to your church at no cost to you.  It is FREE!  It has been my desire that women across our state have the opportunity to be a part of the conference experience, realizing that many women have never been able to attend such a conference due to cost and/or availability.

It is our desire to bring a women's outreach event to churches who desire to help their women grow spiritually and to connect them to a local body of believers where they can encourage one another.

One of the best things about Women of the Word is building relationships by bringing women together in a safe place where they can laugh, cry and share their love of the Lord with one another.

The conference theme for 2011/2012 is ENLIGHTENED and if you would like more information about hosting a conference you can email me at or call at 501-327-6565.

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